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Dr. Sara Sumich

Dr. Sara Sumich

Qualified Chiropractor

Dr. Sara Sumich - Chiropractor Albany
Qualifications & Training:

New Zealand Collage of Chiropractic

An interview with: 

Dr. Sara Sumich

Why did you become a chiropractor?

I first went to see a chiropractor because I had pain in my neck and lower back. I soon realised a chiro offers so much more!

Chiropractic has helped me with other things like mental attitude, opening up my chest so I could breathe, and overall health and wellness... and of course, it really helped with all my aches and pains too.

As a chiropractor what are your favourite things to work with?

I like working with anyone that has aches and pains and just wants to get their body moving again like it used to.

I also love working with people that have had injuries to their back and suffering from chronic back pain.

What is your best tip for back pain?

The best thing to help with back pain is daily stretches and chiropractic care.

Tell us a bit about you!

I live in Albany and love the North Shore! My favourite place to walk is along Takapuna beach.


Balanced Spine: North Shore Chiropractor Clinic
All visits by appointment only.


Monday: 7am-7pm
Tuesday: 1pm-7pm
Wednesday: 7am-7pm
Thursday: 1pm-7pm
Friday: 7am-1pm
Saturday: 8am-12pm                Sunday: Closed

Please note: we close for half an hour each day for lunch and cleaning (times may vary).